Training course for new therapists in audio-psycho-phonology 2025 in english



AudioVocal/AudioInstrumental Course - AVAIC

Spoken-Sung Voice and Instrumental Sound

26 - 27 April 2025 in Verona 



 Thus wrote Alfred Tomatis in 1977, in the first edition of his autobiography "L'oreille et la vie", on page 284:

 "My work has been much plagiarized, much plundered, but I harbor no bitterness for it. I would even say that if the counterfeit of the devices I developed could be used to cure more patients, I will applaud the first. What annoys me, what pains me, is that most of the forgers do not just use the ideas of others; they still want to testify to the face of the world of their own genius - like a painter who, wishing to plagiarize the Mona Lisa, would add a big hat and umbrella to it because in his opinion "that's good". As a rule, these scroundrels worked in vain: recording very few therapeutic successes, they did not make a fortune as they hoped. This manifestation of a kind of immanent justice can be explained, once more, by the lack of modesty of the plagiarists, who could not simply reproduce the model purely and simply. Assured to be much smarter than the inventor himself, they wanted to beat him on his own ground. Each time, it is this concern of "improvement", based on a lack of knowledge of the psychophysiological realities, which caused their defeat"


How long will you abuse our patience, Catiline? (Cicero)


An AudioVocal/AudioInstrumental Course in accordance with the Tomatis Method will be held in Italy, in December 2023 in Verona  by Dr. Concetto Campo.

The AVAIC is based on Tomatis studies on the function of the phonatory organ and the instrumentalist's motricity under maximum performance and minimum effort conditions. The AVAIC helps to put into practice all that Tomatis discovered in his over fifty years of clinical and didactic work with opera singers, instrumentalists, actors, orators and monks who use the Gregorian chant.

The course is open to all those who desire to perfect their own vocal potential simultaneously carrying out a personal growth study by working with the voice in accordance with the discoveries made and put into practice by Dr. Alfred Tomatis.

It is a practical course that aims at helping the student to use his own vocal potential and instrumental potential in a more complete manner by means of particular exercises especially formulated by Dr. Tomatis in order to rediscover one’s own voice and a more economic and efficient personal motricity when playing an instrument.

The AVAIC helps to use better your body-instrument to produce a better quality sound with your voice and with your music instrument. 

A better use of the body in producing sound leads to a reduction in vocal and playing instrument effort  and consequently the voice becomes softer and less tired and musical expression is more fluent and simple. This makes speaking a pleasure while the listener’s attention is held longer. The singer increases the possibility of emitting a quality sound with less effort. The musician improves the mastering of the instrument and the quality of the sound produced with less effort.

The use of bony sound leads to a reduction in vocal effort and consequently the voice becomes softer and less tired and expression is more fluent and simple. This makes speaking a pleasure while the listener’s attention is held longer. The singer increases the possibility of emitting a quality sound with less effort.


Principal arguments:


Listening posture                                             

The myth of breathing in singing                     

Reducing vocal effort                                       

Good posture and bony sound                         

Self-confidence via better voice                       

Vocal energy and personal energy                  

Ethnic listening                                                 

Audiogenic training    

Audio-motor control of your music instrument   

Quality of produced sounds and brain stimulation    

The importance of a good pronunciation 

Reading aloud exercices according to Tomatis 

Speaking, singing and playing an instrument with different ethnic listenings   

Listening laterality                   

Maintenance and progress exercises

The AVAIC will be held by Dr Concetto Campo, at the Sezano monastery on the hills near Verona, via Mezzomonte 28, on

26 and 27 April 2025.

from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2,30 pm to 6 pm on saturday

from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2,30 pm to 5 pm on sunday

There will be a mid-morning and a mid-afternoon coffee break and a lunch break.


The cost of the course is:

€ 225,00 if you pay by the 10th of March 2025

€ 255,00 if you pay by the 10th of April 2025

€ 290,00 if you pay after the 10th of April 2025

Click here for instructions on booking


Click here to get the application form


Staying at the monastery


Enrolment closes on 24th of April 2025 

For further information, please, contact: ph: +393356206275

e-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

An attendance certificate will be given out at the end of the course.

If the course is cancelled, the enrolment deposit will be fully reimbursed.

Press and scientific articles

La Marseillaise, 10 décembre 1988, "Tomatis, médecin des stars: Depardieu, Deneuve, Edwige Feullière "n'entend" que par lui"

Vogue (British), june 1992 - "A wider hearing"

The Times, January 20 1994 - "Every singer's nightmare"

 The French Review, October 1996 - Depardieu. A biography

Lunds Universitet, info 4, 1996/1997, januari/februari - "Tomatis, Mozart och elektroniska örat"

Suddeutsche Zeitung, 12 gennaio 2002 - "Gründer der Musiktherapie gestorben"

Linguist, february/march 2006 - "The voice in your ear"